Aspirins and Vitamins

Aspirins and Vitamins

Aspirins and Vitamins   There’s a lovely expression which I use quite a lot when assessing a new venture which is…..”is the juice worth the squeeze”.  Balancing a good investment decision when considering “is this a great business versus just a good idea”...
Do you really need funding?

Do you really need funding?

Do you really need funding? I have started many businesses over the years and only a small percentage of these actually required any real form of outside funding.  I am constantly amazed at the number of wannabe entrepreneurs who’s first objective is to get funding,...
Some things can’t be measured

Some things can’t be measured

Some things can’t be measured Some things can’t be measured… I don’t know if this blog is good, bad or indifferent or whether it’ll make you pick up the phone to me.  To be honest, I’d be delighted if it encourages you to connect with me, but it’s...
Cogs in a Wheel

Cogs in a Wheel

Cogs in a Wheel Who thinks they’re important at work?  Well from the people I know and meet, it seems that we all like to think of ourselves as important and this is a spot on observation.  Whether you’re the CEO or the receptionist, the fact is that in the context of...